Gardening has become my safe space. In the garden I have seen plants weather storms, withstand intense heat, and even trampling by animals or pests. So why do they keep growing?? Plants are very resistant. As long as they live in a balanced environment and get the water they need on a regular basis, they will continue to grow and thrive!!
The human body is like a plant. Think about it!!
Our bodies withstand weathering. Our body becomes stressed from the environmental climate and stressors. Our bodies also thrive in balanced, well-watered environments.
That is what herbs can offer us!! The world of herbs is LARGE! Herbs have been around since the beginning of creation. TRUTH!! It is recounted in Genesis 1- "on the third day God created trees and seed bearing plants and called it good". So why have we strayed from the goodness created?? Well, simply, because running to the store and picking up over the counter things is easier.
I am here to tell you that it is easier than you think to dive into herbs!! Herbs provide your body with the ingredient needed, based off you! Tired? Don't worry there is a herb for that. Restless sleep? Oh, there is a herb for that. Headache again? Better believe herbs got you on that also. Worry much? Easy, we got just the herb you need. Just know that any symptom you are feeling I can guarantee there is a herb that will is just a matter of doing the research!!
The information provided here are for information purposes, not meant to be taken as medical advice. You should ALWAYS seek medical guidance before starting an herbal regimen if you have pre-existing conditions, such as diabetes.
Well, rest assured that I take the worry out of that for you! Here at Fresh Herbs, LLC we pride ourselves on ensuring accurate information reaches you! The most important thing for this company is that YOU LEARN ABOUT HERBS!!
So hit that SUBSCRIBE button and I will be bringing you a post weekly about an herb. These herbs will either become available in the shop or have information on where and how to purchase!!
Hope to see you on the blog!